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Interviewing Tips

At Cuhire, we are not only committed to matching the right candidate with the right job, we also provide you with the tools necessary to be successful in your job search.

The purpose of an interview is to give a recruiter and/or the hiring manager a chance to get to know you better - focusing primarily on your work experience and skills you possess that would be instrumental in your performance. Interviews occur in person or over the phone.

While there are subtle differences in preparing for an in person interview compared to a phone interview, the basics remain the same.

1. Before the Interview

PREPARE! This is by far the most important part a candidate can focus on. Do some homework. Research the company you are interviewing with, the position you are interviewing for and, if at all possible, a little bit about the interviewers. Almost every company today has information about their employees on their website.

This is your best and most accurate source of information. Here you can learn about the company’s business (facts and figures such as when they were established, the size of the company both in revenue and human resources), their recent success and accolades won.

In addition to preparing about the company, take the time to review your own resume you have sent them. Be prepared to offer specific information (supported by facts and figures) of your previous work experience and accomplishments.

2. During the Interview

During the interview, everything about you is being noticed. From your eye contact, body language, and the questions you ask.  It is important that you remain calm and collected. Don’t fidget, shuffle your feet or be jittery (at the same time, don’t be a statue, relax!).

Be polite and professional! No matter how casual the interviewer is, don’t lose focus. Once a question has been asked of you, take a second to gather your thoughts and deliver your answer with confidence.

Maintain eye contact and be positive. The best answers are the ones that are full of relevant detail delivered in a clear and concise manner.

Try and relate your experience to those the interviewing company is seeking. If you are unclear what the question is, don’t hesitate to ask the interview to rephrase or clarify. Also, it is a good idea to ask the interviewer if you have answered their question satisfactorily or if they would like additional clarification.

3. After the Interview

This step is as important as the first two. Sending a thank you note (an email is just fine) is imperative. This is not to stoke the ego of the interviewer, but only to show that you did appreciate them taking the time to speak with you and offer you an opportunity to sell yourself to the company. It also shows you are professional, conscientious and good at ‘follow through’.

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